We are delighted that you are here. Do you dare to lead and innovate for a brighter future? Join us and discover what is possible.
We are an organ’isation and a co-creative collective, serving the emergence of a conscious, harmonic humanity. We innovate for heart-centered, planetary governance with all domains of life, visible and invisible. We listen to spirit, lead from the heart and activate the mind for the purpose of co-creating a new world.

We offer Meshworking processes using the principles of emergence and coherence. Meshworking aligns the needs of people and multiple stakeholders at different stages of development, mobilizing individuals and the collective like laser-beams on specific challenges, goals, objectives or outcomes.

We offer meaning-making tools to support teams, groups and organizations to gain strategic insight and come to collective decision-making. We co-sense, lead, serve and coach through our expertise in spiritual tools, facilitating models and practices such as Spiral Dynamics integral, Adult Development models, Art of Hosting, Theory U, Appreciative Inquiry, Social Biomimicry, Doughnut Economics and Regenerative Design.
We support and connect with leading pioneers to successfully work together and nurture strong partnerships. We call this Meta Weaving. Through Meta Weaving we build the foundations for wholesome solutions to be scaled.

We practice different levels of deep listening. We have strong capacities in several ‘generative listening’ tools, such as Systemic Constellation Work, Spiritual Accessing, ECOintention and Life Alignment. These tools support us in creating emotional and energetic clarity. We can respond more wisely when we use these capacities consistently in governance.

We conduct research using a variety of methodologies. In The Hague Center for Field Inquiry we use the phenomenological method of systemic constellation work as a powerful tool for serving all life and humanity’s evolution. We apply our findings to inform us in strategy, design and decision making. Where relevant, we develop new tools, frameworks and innovations.

We graphically record and collect content and information from co-creative meetings and group sessions through creating visual representations with illustrated images and key terms. This is used as important feedback and feedforward for taking next steps.

We believe that life is self-organizing and interconnected. This interconnectedness underpins all life, it being the cosmos, the earth, nature and humans.
We align ourselves with life as we make our choices for action. We listen deeply, hold space and ask powerful questions such as ‘What is working and how can we address hidden barriers and needs? ‘What are our greatest strengths?’ and ‘How can different beliefs and world-views strengthen each other?’ We face everything, avoid nothing, and apply practices to address trauma and unblock stuck energy.
The way we operate internally is part of what we offer. We develop and foster authentic leadership with ourselves and others through deep listening, dialogue, self awareness and the practice of heart-centered governance. How do we show up as true leaders in complex times? How do we use our heart intelligence as a compass?
We consult, coach and partner with individuals and organizations who want to learn, grow and co-create together. THC fosters networks and people who desire to take up leadership in their projects. We bring them together as the foundation of a Meshwork with a shared intention and the willingness to serve a larger purpose.

At The Hague center we work with The 4 Architectures of Natural Design. The 4 Architectures acknowledge that the effectiveness of our material output and the quality of our physical results are connected to and dependent upon more invisible dynamics that are nonetheless present. These invisible dynamics are for example the quality of our human relationships and interactions which are interdependent with energetic (e.g.: emotional and mental) and universal cosmic patterns.
In our current economic system we predominantly and sometimes even exclusively focus on material and social outcomes without understanding and listening to the more subtle dynamics of life. Therefore at THC we aim to create more coherence and balance between the physical, relational, energetic and cosmic world, in order to create innovations, operations, products and organisations that are in alignment with all layers of existence.

Our partners at WholeWorld-View share this phrase to express the belief that the purpose of life is conscious evolution and that we all have a role to play in that great unfolding.
At THC, our projects demonstrate our commitment and care to make a difference on these three scales.
Zooming our lens way out and way in, we learn to see life in perspective and hold more tension with peace and compassion. We explore with Dr. Jude Currivan the history of the universe forming and the many scientifically sound clues pointing to consciousness as the basis of all reality.

The theme for this Deep Inquiry Project is: What role can and does the Conscious Witness play in shifting conflictual patterns towards healing and thus transforming humanity’s perception of Life?
Since 2016, a team from THC has been exploring the Conscious Witness through different modes of inquiry.
​More and more of us are recognizing our lives are connected globally and the way we govern and live our lives has deep impacts on other people around the world. Several THC projects help awaken this sense of a global community of people who are personally connected and capable of making a global impact together.

World leading evolutionaries converge in seasonal gathering to bond, share and create an impact.
These convergences continue throughout the year at the changing of the seasons with World Unity Week in June Peace Weekend in September, Enlightening our Way in December and Beloved Community in early Spring.
In our own lives and communities is where the seeds we plant for a better world can grow. Our team and partners around the world align and connect local projects to add up to a global impact.
A major holon of our work is meshworking and aligning the impact networks of conscious evolution movements as we are becoming a coherent social body in the super-organism of life, capable of deep transformation of our global civilization towards harmony. Several projects weave together for this aim. Our Cohere+ research and learning journies funded by the EU, strategic connecting with the Holomovement, ceremony work with indigenous eleders in Bridging Continents - all work together to build a big picture of a new society that works for all.